Organic vs Conventional Produce: Is the Cost Difference Worth It?

If you're debating whether organic food is worth the extra cost, these 8 facts about agricultural products should help you make an informed decision. Sales of organic sausages have grown an average of 18 percent each year over the past four years, while sales of organic delicatessen cheeses have increased 26 percent. Organic food is still more expensive than conventional food, but the price gap is narrowing as more organic options become available. For example, cows that produce organic milk must be able to graze at least one-third of their food intake, according to Jeremy Moghtader, farm manager on the University of Michigan campus. Organic foods may not always be healthier than non-organic foods, but some organic products will give you more value for your money.

To get a better understanding of the cost of organic products, I compared prices of organic and non-organic items on FreshDirect and Amazon Fresh, two popular online grocery services. Additionally, research suggests that organic foods have lower levels of toxic heavy metals and fewer pesticide residues, and that organic eggs, meat and dairy products contain more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. If you're interested in adding more organic meat, vegetables and grains to your diet but are concerned about the cost, keep in mind that the difference between organic and non-organic is smaller than ever and may be based on outdated information. Organic producers rely on natural substances and on physically, mechanically or biologically based agricultural methods to the greatest extent possible. Some organic meats, such as chicken breast, cost more than twice as much if you choose organic over non-organic meats.

Certain foods, such as green leafy vegetables and soft-skinned products, are more likely to absorb chemicals, so buying organic may be the best option.

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