Organic Farming on Oahu: Ensuring Quality and Safety with Soil Amendments

Organic farming is a popular and growing trend on the island of Oahu, with many producers striving to meet the standards of the National Organic Program (NOP) and the Canadian Organic Regime (COR). To ensure their products are certified as organically produced and safe for consumption, farmers on Oahu use a variety of soil amendments. Organic wild crop certification covers the collection of crops that are not actively cultivated. While these products cannot bear the OMRI seal, organic producers, certifiers and other customers can search the OMRI website for products that meet the requirements or download the OMRI Canada product list for a complete list of products that OMRI has reviewed and determined are allowed under Canadian organic standards.

The Soil Health Division encourages and makes it easier for producers to implement effective, economically viable and science-based soil health management systems in the country's diverse agricultural lands, in collaboration with partner organizations. Input products used to grow, process, or produce food, feed, or organic fibers include substances such as fertilizers, pesticides, and other materials used on a farm or food processing facility. Kaumana Organic Farms is a certified 25-acre organic farm that has been operating in the Lualualei Valley since 1978. They produce their own compost as well as use bone meal and feather meal to modify organic nutrients. Oilradish also has biofumungant properties which remove non-beneficial organisms from the soil and help to restore the balance in the soil of the most beneficial organisms. Hawaiian Earth Recycling is the largest compost producer in the state and is authorized to produce and sell compost on Oahu overseen by the State Department of Health. OMRI evaluates products to see if they meet Canadian organic standards, but it does not assess whether they meet the CFIA, the PMRA, or any other legal requirement beyond what is specifically required by Canadian organic standards.

Two inspections will be carried out every year as long as the product is sold to organic producers. The NOP or COR standards continue to be accepted in English only. Agricultural products that come from organic farms or processors (such as food, feed, and fiber) can be certified as “organic” by the USDA. Yes, OMRI is ISO 17065 certified by the USDA Quality Assessment Division (QAD) to review inputs and catalog them in accordance with the standards of the National Organic Program and the Canadian Organic Regime. Organic farming on Oahu requires producers to use a variety of soil amendments in order to guarantee their products are certified as organically produced and safe for consumption by consumers both on Oahu and beyond. By using these amendments, farmers can trust that their products meet all necessary requirements for certification.

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